I really enjoyed the CPD and I think it is a great initiative. There are many strengths to the project but overall it is great that we have the opportunity to broaden ours and our children’s understanding and knowledge of international schools, environmental issues and global geography in a very real and meaningful way.Rubina Rehman, teacher, Elmhurst Primary School
I liked using rubbish as collage because it showed us how dangerous rubbish in the water is for animals.Pupil, Southfields Primary School

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A Poem: The River Nene
Green reeds waving out of the river
As sharp as a dangerous knife
Swirling like a hypnotiser
Sticking out swishing and swaying
Whirling like an octopus’s tentacles
Lily-pads like trampolines for frogs
Dancing on top of the water
Feathery swans as white as a cloud
Hunting for prey hungrily
Passed the narrow boats one called Sophia
Eyes tiny like glimmering black marbles
Beaks as neon orange as can be
By Kayla

Case Study: Leighton Primary School
A case study of our education work with Leighton Primary School via our project The Story of Water.
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