People cleaning rubbish from the Thames

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Featured Heritage Event & Volunteer Call-out

Walks & Talks, 2024

Places of Change: From Calcutta to London: Sailortowns of Empire

Mon 22nd Jul 2024

Situated in London’s historic Royal Docks, this tour will build on the pairs’ extensive research to give a glimpse into the experience of sailors from different corners of the British Empire while in the two port cities. You will discover the contrasting treatment sailors faced in unfamiliar lands, the conditions they lived and worked in and the obstacles they overcame, from illness to racism.Places of Change is made possible with The National Lottery…

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School children in an art workshop

River of Hope: Online Galleries

We have the first of our online galleries available to explore that documents the process and the output of the artists, teachers and students taking part in River of Hope. First stops, Leeds, Norfolk and Rouen in France.

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