I thought the day was a creative way of not only developing our initial designs but also to explore topics we haven't ever learnt about for example, storyboarding, presenting original concepts and researching architecture.Sanna Zahid, Wallington High School for Girls
Through an open brief to London schools asking to submit their ideas we shortlisted and worked with four schools were shortlisted to develop their ideas through workshops with artist and illustrator Josh Knowles. Each school was supported to explore individual and collective ideas and work together to realise their shared vision ready to be displayed alongside the six shortlisted teams at a public exhibition at the Southbank Centre.
Working in Participating schools include St. Marylebone School, Ellen Wilkinson School, Wallington High School, Winchmore School and the London Design and Engineering UTC, Newham.
Creating a stop motion animation challenged us to think differently and learn new skills. We had to be really clear in conveying our ideas across to others and improved our team working skills.Anjumon Ali, Winchmore School

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