
Is there a Totally Thames 2022 event that you are particularly excited to see?

The “Singing for Water” choir event in “The Scoop”. This is a particularly uplifting event and always well produced & rehearsed.


Do you have a favourite view of the river Thames? Or a particular part you enjoy walking past?

Most of the bridges over the Thames, and in particular the pedestrian bridge from The Tate to St.Pauls, provide a good view of the River Thames, the activities happening on the river and the surrounding landscape & buildings.


If you could go back in time to any era in London – where would you go?

18th Century Dickensian times in London would interest me. Back streets of London in the City as well as those nearer the Thames.


What is a skill that you would love to learn?

Street performer to entertain the public and tourists.

Interview with Volunteer Fiona!

Is there a Totally Thames 2022 event that you are particularly excited to see? 

 enjoyed everything so far. I’m particularly looking forward to Hands on History in Roman Amphitheatre – what an amazing opportunity to see Roman objects in the remains of a Roman amphitheatre.


Do you have a favourite view of the river Thames? Or a particular part you enjoy walking past? 

Trinity Buoy Wharf and, further down river, Tilbury Fort.


If you could go back in time to any era in London – where would you go?

 I would love to go back to a time when the river was teeming with ships and people.


What is a skill that you would love to learn?

To swim effortlessly!

Liz Goumas

Is there a Totally Thames 2022 event that you are particularly excited to see?

The flotilla.


Do you have a favourite view of the river Thames? Or a particular part you enjoy walking past?

I love seeing St Paul’s Cathedral from Blackfriars Bridge at night and walking around St Katherine’s Dock.


If you could go back in time to any era in London – where would you go?

Probably Edwardian. as women were at the beginning of Emancipation. Also the I like the art from this time.


What is a skill that you would love to learn?

Stained glassmaking.

Backlit photo negatives

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