Get your foreshore finds identified, plus hear from leading Thames archaeologist, Dr Fiona Haughey, and Thames Discovery's Eliott Wragg about London's fascinating social and maritime history.
Foreshore Find Identification Session
10am - 1pm
Roman, medieval or modern - get your foreshore finds identified by Museum of London expert Kate Sumnall. There's also creative art sessions and mudlarking fun, for children ages 5+.
Please note, The Museum of London cannot offer valuations.
TALK: A 'Walk' Through 10,000 Years of History
10.30am - 11.15am
Leading Thames archaeologist Dr Fiona Haughey explains what the ancient artefacts found along the river tell us about the people who have lived here.
On the Thames foreshore, there are 10,000 years worth of history beneath your feet. Artefacts and structures have been found dating from the end of the last Ice Age through prehistory and the Roman period to the historic periods and up to the modern-day remains of 21st century smart phones. The river has been the most dominant feature in the London area affecting the way of life throughout the centuries. Come and have a 'walk' through what the Thames has revealed to archaeologists about the people who have lived here and the way it is used today.
TALK: London's Maritime History
11.30am - 12.15pm
Thames Discovery Programme's Eliott Wragg reveals newly discovered evidence for one of London's great lost industries.
Although it is hard to believe nowadays, London was once the greatest maritime city in the world. Not only was it the busiest port but also a great shipbuilding centre, at times leading the world in technological capability and prowess. Sadly little evidence now survives of this once world beating industry and it's closely related sister ship-breaking, mostly only visible on the Thames foreshore at low tide. For the last six years the volunteers of the Thames Discovery Programme have been recording the archaeology of the inter-tidal zone and have uncovered hitherto unknown evidence for one of London's great lost industries.
Mudlarking and Creative Art Family Fun Event
10.30am - 12pm & 1pm - 2.30pm
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