Created by BBC radio broadcaster and DJ, Nick Luscombe, Japan Sound Portrait tells the story of one of Japan’s most important waterways through a series of poems by 17th Century Haiku master Matsuo Bashō, set against present day recordings of activities along Tokyo’s Sumida river.
Saturday 15 August - Sunday 20 September
There are five different poems located at different points along the South Bank - you'll see QR codes on our Rivers of The World exhibition boards located outside the National Theatre, in front of Tate Modern, by London City Pier and More London. To hear the poems simply scan the QR code and imagine being transported to the Sumida, all from the Thames riverside. Each Haiku is read first in Japanese, followed by the English translation. Enjoy!
Basho Haiku 1:
Nick Luscombe presents BBC Radio 3 Late Junction, and also works as a DJ, music and playlist curator and radio producer. He is the founder of Musicity, an international digital and live event platform that explores the intersection of music and architecture.
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