Mike & Mel Skjott, Wandsworth Riverside Quarter, Prospect Quay | Photo: Katherine Fawssett
Mike & Mel Skjott, Wandsworth Riverside Quarter, Prospect Quay | Photo: Katherine Fawssett

Mike & Mel Skjott, Riverside Quarter Residents

Our life on the river began in 2013 when our daughter was just starting school, but the idea to move into a houseboat began when she was only a tiny baby. Friends and family thought we were slightly mad, but everyone now loves coming on board as our moorings have such a holiday feel. For us, there are so many things that make it special - the tide, changing views, serenity, birdlife, being in the middle of London with no traffic and very little noise, and the light and space we've managed to achieve within our home. We can't imagine living back on land now!

Photograph of three people around their kitchen table their house boat.
Rachel, Hans & Joeske Van Walsum | Photo: Katherine Fawssett

Rachel, Hans & Joeske van Walsum, Prospect Quay Residents

With Maggie the ship's cat, in our wonderful country house style kitchen with even a Rayburn. We bought this boat when we returned in 2011 from our boat trip from Putney to Istanbul, via the inland waterways of Europe, an eight month adventure (in a boat just 10 meters long when our boy was just two and a half). Living on Longfellow we feel like we are still on the same journey, an everlasting romance (and yes, hard work)!



Wandsworth Riverside Quarter, Prospect Quay

  1. capstudios.co.uk
  2. Notes from Joeske Van Walsum
  3. riverhomes.co.uk
  4. humberts-leisure.com
  5. riverhomes.co.uk

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